Oh no! Looks like we're out of stock of our very real,
not-at-all fake newest product...

Jokes aside, we do have some exciting, new (and very real) products coming this Spring! Be the first to know by signing up for our brand new e-Newsletter below.

Some of the sweet perks include:

  • First to know about brand new products
  • Exclusive deals and discounts year-round
  • Direct updates from our CEO, Ian Clark
  • VIP access to online events
  • Health and wellness news right to your inbox

..and more!

Be the first to learn about and try!

Join our mailing list to be one of the first to hear about our very real, not a joke, new products coming in Spring/Summer 2021. Complete the short sign up form below and you will be the first to know about some exciting additions to our line up!