We’re On A Mission To Help
10,000,000 People Change Their Lives...
...and to prove to the world that health doesn’t need to have an expiry date.
Our Mission
Activation Products is here to help you. I experienced an amazing turnaround in my health; we want the same for you. Sharing my success with you so that you can make it yours is the reason we make and deliver the best health products in the world.
Whatever issues brought you here today can be solved. You just need to take a leap of faith. Our products are naturally improving quality of life for thousands of people right now. Don’t live your life running on empty like I did. Don’t settle for subpar health.
If you’re on this site, you’re a unique individual. You’ve already taken a bigger leap than most people will in their lifetime. You care about your health and truly want to do something about it; you deserve the best. The top level ingredients, top level products and, ultimately, top level health.
Our Team
We are dedicated health enthusiasts with a shared belief in the healing power of clean, fresh and pure superfoods. We are always searching; seeking out new information, and uncovering the best health remedies so we can share them with the world.
Our team includes industry experts from Canada, the USA, Germany, Spain, Greece & Australia. That being said, we are still a family owned business and intend to keep it that way. We employ several people in the small towns we operate out of and have created good paying jobs for hard working families.
If you have any questions, we have built a team of customer care reps who are deeply committed to providing clients with meaningful, one-on-one support and reliable, evidence-based information about our products. Our entire team shares the vision of a healthy, happy future for our customers, our families and ourselves.

Our Founders

Ian Clark (father)
When Ian was just 46 years old, a number of life-threatening health issues hit him all at once. He was forced to start searching for solutions. Refusing to accept a negative outcome, he chose a natural path to fixing his health. Ian traveled the globe and uncovering potent remedies with powerful natural health benefits.
After years of intense research and learning what it takes to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself, Activation Products was born... and quickly grew to help tens of thousands of people take control of their own health every day.

Anthony Clark (son)
Anthony was 19 when Ian's health challenges became serious. He supported Ian in his health research and together they started a lifelong journey to become super healthy. They spent years researching natural health solutions and discovering the fundamental whole foods and methods that truly enhance human health.
Since that time Anthony has poured his energy into finding the best formulas, recipes, suppliers, and systems that will support Activation's mission. He is relentless in this pursuit and sees Activation as a life-long journey of service and growth.
We're here to show you things that can help you feel great. It’s that simple.
Our mission is to provide premium health products that help you age gracefully and live a healthier, happier life.